As if by magic they waved a wand and I was suspended in a magical moment that lasted what felt like an eternity. I was fully immersed, experiencing unconditional love from my beloved horses. In that simple moment, the book of my heart was opened and I began witnessing life through the window of my soul.Looking back I can see how they prepared me for this spellbinding and liberating, life-changing moment. It all began with the arrival of a stunning Arabian-Thoroughbred horse called Ed.He was phenomenally bright and physically athletic but struggled desperately to feel safe with people. His sharp and flighty behaviour made him unpopular because he scared most riders and handlers.
When I first set eyes on him I knew we were a match and decided to take him on. I knew this would be a challenge because of his fear and athletic ability to remove me from his back or leap on top of me when he felt compromised! This would happen, and I knew I would need to be fearless and compassionate to help him feel safe in his environment. Our bond grew into one of the most beautiful relationships I’ve ever had with a horse. He accessed my heart with love and a connection that was only ours to share. I began to realise the true bond achievable between a horse and a human. I understood for the first time that I was only just beginning to see how much more there was to explore within these beautiful creatures.I often wondered why I had felt so powerfully drawn to Ed, but I now know it was mutual. He knew we needed each other. He saw in me all that I couldn’t. He was a visionary and had come to teach me many lessons that no other could teach. It was done without me seeking or striving for growth and, in the most provocative way, it had been delivered in a horse that would test and challenge all I knew at that point in time. All I had to do was take the challenge which, thankfully, I did. The union between Ed and me led to my discovery and love of research, which has now radically changed how we care for all the horses and animals that come to The Haven. Ed came at a pivotal time in my life when I was on the brink of living an unlived life. Looking back I can see how his entrance into my life was perfectly timed. Unknown to me he was gently placing me back on the path to find who I was and why I had been gifted life. He was a silent king who signposted directions, knowing I would only take them from one I saw as noble and worthy. He came and left without the need for acknowledgement or recognition. He gave from the purest heart and left his imprint upon my soul. Even in death he teaches me to this day. Each horse who has become part of the herd at The Haven has wisdom and gifts to share. I witness them experience life through self-exploration in the freedom of non-judgement and non-force. This always reminds me that living a lived life is not exclusive to those who have skills perceived or deemed as worthy. Each and every one of us, animals included, has vast amounts of knowledge and skills that the world needs. How can we choose limitation over our ability to create a colourful, enriched experience? How can we deny the creatures of earth their full experience of life by projecting a restriction upon them?